How Accidents are Measures as per Indian and International Standard ?
To Measure an Accidents as per Indian and International Standard in Industries - to men statistical have been used together accident information the frequency rate and severity rate.
The frequency rate is the number of time lost accident orangeries which have disable and employee per 1,000,000 man hours worked. The severity rate on the other hand is the total number of days charge for lost because of accidents per 1,000,000 hours worked.
Formula to Measure Accidents as per Indian and International Standard :
The national safety Council of the United States has given the following formulas for the computation of these rates.
Accidents Frequency Rate = ( Number of Disabling work injuries / Total numbers of man-hours worked ) x 1,000,000
Severity Rate = ( Number of man days lost / Total numbers of man-hours worked ) x 1,000,000
Numerical Example:
- Using the following data calculate the frequency rate of accident in an industry plant.
- Number of workers,
- Number of disabling injuries per year = 5
- Average number of worked-hours by workers per year = 2000
Frequency Rate = ( Number of disabling injuries/Number of man hour worked ) x 1,000,000
= ( 5 / 1000 x 2000 ) x 1,000,000
= 2.5.
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