Electrical Safety on Construction Sites:
Electricity can cause great damage to both people working in the construction sites and property.
Contact with the electric current can Trigger other accidents, like Falls from ladder for scaffolding. Electrical shocks for flashes can cause serious injuries such as burn. Electric shock may also cause the victim to stop breathing and nerve centres may be temporary paralysed.
The Heartbeat may fluctuate for the heat Rhythm May actually be interrupted, thus causing a stop in the circulation of blood throughout the body apart. From human injuries like shocks, burns or falls, another major hazards is the situation in in in which an electrical fire or explosion may occur. Fire and explosion generally causes extensive property & equipment damage. Electrical fires often start when an overloaded circuit become overheated - igniting the insulation around the wires. If cords and cables a short circuit that could sparks a fire.
If the workers find a fault for manufacturing pieces of equipment they should take it out of operations, and make the necessary arrangements to have the equipment repaired. Make sure that the workers are the Constructions side understand the importance of electrical safety and recognise, the abusing or misusing electrical equipment is an invitation to the an accident the workers should also make sure that the work area is safe and free from all electrical hazards provide necessary personal protective equipment in particular, electrical gloves and breathing apparatus.
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