Safety Slogans for Workplace that Avoid you from Accidents
Let's start reading list below mentioned of Safety Slogans in workplace, that can avoid you from accidents -
Best listed Collections of Safety Slogans for Workplace
- "A good safety culture is build over time it is never given".
- "Safety advisor is part of the team be sure he or she doesn't always mean".
- "If you give somebody and make sure there is a gloves on it".
- "If you are not safety conscious, you could end up unconscious, So Think About It".
- "If you are feeling beat because of the heat, do what you thought to and keep drinking water".
- "Pull in your hand when low beams are near, or your head could be forced into your rear".
- "Safety is the engine and you are the key that starts it".
- "Safety is this seam that joins the fabric of life. Don't let a loose thread bring it all undone".
- "The RDO'S nearly here are the rest will be Bliss, just watch, what you if you get on the Piss".
- "The shutdown finishing line is inside, so keep incident free with all you might".
- "The word focus might be only small, but the meaning is Huge, when it comes to safety".
- "Use your Brain. Avoid the Strain".
- "When rain comes down and poodles pool, cover up - protect the tool".
- "When the sun is glowing and frying your head, find some shade and water instead".
- "When working at heights and an edge is near, don't be brave, your next step could lead to a grave. Fall restraint will give you the edge to keep on living".
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