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Showing posts from January, 2020

(AFFF) Aqueous Filling Forming Foam - EngineeriSafety

Aqueous Filling Forming Foam (AFFF)         AFFF Aqueous Filling Forming Foam contain fluorinated synthetic hydrocarbons with additional capacity even other form concentrates, of forming water solution films on the surface of inflammable liquids. These are used in concentration of 1% to 3% in water to make foam solution. This type of foams can we use on deep-seated Fires involving class 'A' and class 'B' materials.   Aqueous    Filling Forming Foam ( AFFF ) of hydrocarbons and fluorocarbon surfactants to produce synthetic  Firefighting foams for use as high-performance, non-polar, class B hydrocarbon fuels such as crude oil, petroleum, diesel, and aviation fuel.  Is prepared with. Aqueous Filling Forming Foam Concentrate These concentrations can be applied with a variety of proportional and discharge devices and suppress fires through three mechanisms: Separating liquid fuel from air, Helping to prevent vapor release, P...

(NRV) Non-Return Valves | Check Valves - Symbol, Types and Importance

(NRV) Non Return Valve A Non- Return Valves , check valve , clack valve, non- return valves , reflux valve, retention valve or one-way valve is a  valve that normally allows  fluid  ( liquid or gas ) to flow through it in one direction only.    Non  - Return valve/ Check valve are two-port valves, meaning that they have two openings in the body, one to enter the  fluid and the other to release the liquid. Types of (NRV) Non - Return Valves There are various types of check valves/non-return valve used in a wide variety of applications.  Non- return valves are often part of common household items.   Although they are available in a wide range of sizes and costs, Non - Return valve are generally very small, simple or inexpensive. Non - Return valve operate automatically and most are not controlled by an individual or any external control;  Accordingly, most have no valve handle or stem. The bodies (outer shells...

What is NFPA | National Fire Prevention Association - EngineeriSafety

What is (NFPA) National Fire Prevention Association ?    The  National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) is a global, non-profit organization that promotes safety standards, education, training, and advocacy on fire and lightning-related hazards.  Founded in 1896 as a way to standardize the use of fire sprinkler systems, the NFPA's scope expanded to include building design, rescue response, electrical codes, and other safety concerns. What NFPA 704/ NFPA Diamond ?    The widely recognizable  NFPA - 704/ NFPA Diamond is a type of safety signal that emergency responders use to quickly identify hazards posed by hazardous materials.  This signal, along with the meaning of its colors and numbers, is part of a larger standard created by the NFPA . What is the Aim of NFPA ?    As part of the greater outreach program, the NFPA sponsors Fire Prevention Week every year.  The goal of this national program is to i...

What is FMB ? | Foam Making Branches - EngineeriSafety

Foam Making Branches (FMB)    Today we will discuss,what is (FMB)  Foam Making Branches . Foam Making Branches are basically used by fire fighters. Foam Making Branches What is (FMB) Foam Making Branches ?    Foam-making branches provide a means for the production of mechanical foam, which is used to  Fire-fighting in flammable liquids. Foam Making Branches    Similarly, mechanical foam is also used to cover flammable liquid spills to prevent ignition.  These branches operate on the  self-aspirating principle in which air is driven into a stream of water-foam solution by the suction effect created at the head of the water in the branch during the discharge of the solution under pressure. Foam Making Branches Pipes Subscribe to learn more about Safety. -  EngineeriSafety

What is Turn Table Ladder (TTL) - Fire Engine | Meaning and Description

What is Turn Table Ladder (TTL) ?    Turn Table Ladder (TTL) meaning  -  (Mechanical Engineering) Brit-powered extension ladder mounted on the fire engine. In US and Canadian it's names: Airial Ladder. Turn Table Ladder - Fire Engine Description of (TTL) Turn Table Ladder    Well as a description of Turn Table Ladder, Fire extinguishers (also known as fire trucks or fire equipment in some provinces) is a vehicle designed primarily for fire purposes.    The terms "fire engine" and "fire truck" can often change;  However, in some  fire department/fire services they refer to an independent and special type of vehicle.    The primary objectives of the fire mission include taking the fire brigade to the scene, providing water to fight the fire and other equipment required by the fire department.  Special equipment is used to provide  hazardous materials mitigation and technical protection .   ...

10 Commandments of Workplace Safety

10 Commandments of Workplace Safety   10 Commandments of  Workplace Safety - that should follow in Industry Areas are listed below. Collections of 10 Commandments of Workplace Safety "Always assess the risks, Stop and think". "Always be prepared". "Always be proactive about safety". "Always be responsible for safety of yourself and others". "Always deter from situations you're not trained to handled". "Always follow Company rules, regulations and procedures". "Always manage the lift". "Always practice good housekeeping". "Always remember all accidents are preventable". "Always take the safest path, never take short-cuts". Subscribe to learn more about Safety -  EngineeriSafety

Safety Slogans for Workplace that Avoid you from Accidents

Safety Slogans for Workplace that Avoid you from Accidents Here are the best collections of Safety Slogans for Workplace , that can avoid you from accidents. Let's start reading list below mentioned of Safety Slogans  in workplace, that can avoid you from accidents - Best listed Collections of Safety Slogans for Workplace  "A good safety culture is build over time it is never given". "Safety advisor is part of the team be sure he or she doesn't always mean". "If you give somebody and make sure there is a gloves on it". "If you are not safety conscious, you could end up unconscious, So Think About It". "If you are feeling beat because of the heat, do what you thought to and keep drinking water". "Pull in your hand when low beams are near, or your head could be forced into your rear". "Safety is the engine and you are the key that starts it". "Safety is this seam that joins the fa...

Best Collections of Safety Slogans

Best Collections of Safety Slogans Here we are sharing few Best Collections of  Safety   Slogan , Safety Slogans in the Workplace.  Let's start reading list mentioned below. List of Safety Slogans "Safety first safety always". -  Charles M.Hays "Accidents are particularly Street and Highway accidents do not happen - they are causes". -  Ernest Greenwood "Better a thousand times careful than once dead". - Proverb. "Chance takers are accident makers". "For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind". -  Eleanor Everest Freer "Hug your kids at home But belt them in the car".  "Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety". -  William_Shakespeare "Precautions is better than cure". -  Edward_Coke "Prepare and prevent don't repair and repaent". "Safety doesn't happened by accident". "Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy"....

What are the Safety and Welfare in Industries ?

What are the Safety and Walfare in Industries ? Here you will learn what are the Safety  and Welfare  in Industries , so let's start.. Safety and Welfare in Industries Welfare -   Welfare work aims to providing such service facilities and amenities as would enable to workers employed in industries/factories to enable their work in healthy congenial surroundings conductive to good health and a high morale. It is partly - Humanistic, because it enabled the workers to enjoy the fuller and Richa life. Economic, because it improve the in efficiency of workers, increases its available avaibility, where it is scarce and keeps them contented. It therefore, minimises the inducement to form or join union and two resort to strike. Civil, because it develops a sense of responsibility and dignity among the workers and that makes name worthy citizens of the nation. Safety-   Safety  is basically concerned with minimising hazards and occupational d...

What are the Types of Accidents in Workplace as per Indian and International Standard ?

What are the Types of Accidents in Workplace as per Indian and International Standard? Here you will learn, What are the Types of Accidents in Workplace, so let's start - Types of Accidents in Workplace as per Indian and International Standard : The types of  Accidents in Workplace depending on the severity of the injury, accidents maybe type as Major accident &   Minor accident. Workplace Accident    An accident which result is a death for prolonged disability to the victim is a major one. A scratch or cut with which does not seriously disable one is a minor accident. An accident may be internal or external.  If a worker falls or an object falls on him, it may not show sign of injury but they may have fractured bone or strength a muscle nerve which is an internal injury. Various types of Accidents    A deep scratch on the leg or shoulder may sign of injury which is an external injury. A worker may be disabled ...

What are the Various Aspects of Industrial Accidents

What are the Various Aspects of Industrial Accidents Image Credit    A work accidents, workplace accident , occupational accidents or  accident at work is a "discrete occurrence in the course of work" leading to physical or mental injury. According to the International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) ,  more than 337 millions accidents happens on the job each years, resulting, in more than 2.3 millions death annually.    The ever increasing machanization, electrification chemical process and sophistication have made industrial jobs more and more complex and intricate. This has led to increase danger to human lives in industries through accidents and injury. In fact, the same underlines the needs for the importance of industrial safety. Let's us first understand what industrial accident actually means.    The phrase " physical and mental harm" means any " injury , disease  or death ". Occupational accidents differ from occupati...

How Accidents are Measures as per Indian and International Standard in Industry

How Accidents are Measures as per Indian and International Standard ? To Measure an Accidents as per Indian and International Standard in Industries  - to men statistical have been used together accident information the frequency rate and severity rate. The frequency rate is the number of time lost accident orangeries which have disable and employee per 1,000,000 man hours worked. The severity rate on the other hand is the total number of days charge for lost because of accidents per 1,000,000 hours worked.  Formula to Measure Accidents as per Indian and International Standard : The national safety Council of the United States has given the following formulas for the computation of these rates. Formula: Accidents Frequency Rate = ( Number  of Disabling work injuries / Total numbers of man-hours worked ) x 1,000,000 Severity Rate = (  Number of man days lost / Total numbers of man-hours worked ) x 1,000,000 Numerical Example: ...

What are the General Safety Guidelines in Industries

What are the General Safety Guidelines in Industries ? In every organisation a set of rules must be well form to promote safety and employees and to prevent the direct and indirect cost of accident. Following points should be taken into consideration while formulating safety rules: The safety guidelines should be such that employees appreciate it and accept without any resistance. The safety guidelines should be such that it does not cause of annoyance to an employee The safety guidelines must be well defined. The safety guidelines should be pace with changing environment and conditions. Following points should be used as guidelines to workers and supervisor: Smoking should be strictly prohibited particularly near chemical or combustible materials separate place will be available for smoking. Personal protective equipment like safety classes respirators aprons shoes and gloves must be always use depending upon type of work. Electrical connections and i...

Occupational Safety and Health Management in Industries

Occupational Safety and Health Management in Industries:    A safety and health management system means the part of the organisations management safety which cover as - The health and safety work organisation and policy in the company  The planning process for accident and hills health prevention  The line management responsibility The practices procedures and resources for developing and implementing reviving and maintaining the occupational safety and health policy.    The system should cover the entire system of an employee occupational health and safety organisation.    The Occupational Levels of Safety & Health Management in Industries:    There are many types of choice from to to outline the basic components of a safety management system, and the one chosen here is the International standard promoted by the " International Labour Organisation " ( ILO ). The key elements of a successful safety and health ...

Good Housekeeping Cleaning Tips

Good Housekeeping Cleaning Tips Plan a good housekeeping program-    A a a good housekeeping program plans and manages the orderly storage and movement of materials from point of entry to exit. It includes a material flow plan to ensure minimum handling. The plan also and shows that work areas are not used as storage area by having workers move materials to and from work areas as needed  Part of the plan would include investing in extra bins and more frequent disposal.    The cost of this investment could be offset by the elimination of repeated handling of the same material and more effective use of the workers time. Often, ineffective or insufficient storage planning results in materials being handled and stored in hazardous waste. Knowing the plant layout and the moment of materials throughout the workplace can help plan work procedure.    Worker training is an essential part of any good housekeeping program workers need to know ho...

Housekeeping Safety Topics | Definition

HOUSEKEEPING SAFETY Effective  housekeeping can eliminate some workplace hazards and health get a job done safely and properly. Poor housekeeping can frequently contribute to accidents by hiding hazardous that causes injuries. If the sight of paper, debris, clutter and spills is accepted as normal, then other more serious health and safety hazards may be taken for granted. What is Housekeeping? Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It include keeping work areas neat and orderly; maintaining halls and floors free e of slip and trip hazards; and removing of waste materials (e.g. papers cardboards) and other fire hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to import details such as the layout of the whole work place, aisle marking, the adequacy e of storage facilities, and maintenance. Good housekeeping is also a basic part of accident and fire prevention. Effective housekeeping is an ongoing operation: it is not a hit and miss clean up done occasi...

Construction Industry Safety Topics | Safety Management

Safety in Construction Industries Construction  work means any work carried out in connection with the construction, alternation converge and eating out commissioning renovation repair maintenance refurbishment the demolition, decommissioning aur dismantling of a structure. The definition of structure work broad and includes, installation for testing carried out in connection with an activity e mentioned below: The removal from the workplace of any product or waste resulting from demolition. The pre fabrication for testing of elements at a place specifically establish for the construction work for use in construction work. The Assembly of prefabrication elements to form a structure for the the disassembly of prefabricated elements forming part of a structure.  Installation testing or maintenance of essential service in relation to structure. Any work connected with an excavation. Work connected with any preparatory work for site preparation includi...

HAZOP Analysis | Hazards and Operability Review

INTRODUCTION OF HAZOP: HAZOP is an analysis method that was developed for use with new processes JO the chemical industry. Its strength is that it's hello problems to be identified even before a body of experience has been developed for a given process/system. Thoughts originally intended for use with new processes it need not to be limited to new operations. HAZOPs works very well with odd process/systems. HAZOP consist of farming 18 of experience knowledgeable people from a variety of background relating to the process/system. The team members brainstorm about potential hazards. The health and safety professional should chair the team and serve as a facilitator. The chairman role is to draw out and record the ideas of team members; make sure that one member does not dominate for intermediate other members; Anchorage maximum participations from all members; assist members in combining ideas where appropriate to form better ideas. Hazards and Operability Review...

What are the Electrical Safety tips on Construction Sites

Electrical Safety on Construction Sites: Electricity can cause great damage to both people working in the construction sites and property.  Contact with the electric current can Trigger other accidents, like Falls from ladder for scaffolding. Electrical shocks for flashes can cause serious injuries such as burn. Electric shock may also cause the victim to stop breathing and nerve centres may be temporary paralysed. The Heartbeat may fluctuate for the heat Rhythm May actually be interrupted, thus causing a stop in the circulation of blood throughout the body apart. From human injuries like shocks, burns or falls, another major hazards is the situation in in in which an electrical fire or explosion may occur. Fire and explosion generally causes extensive property & equipment damage. Electrical fires often start when an overloaded circuit become overheated - igniting the insulation around the wires. If cords and cables a short circuit that could sparks a fire. ...

Construction Site Safety Topics - Site Operations

CONSTRUCTION SITE PREPARATION: Site Preparation: Preparation of a  Construction site is an important aspect which should focus on a good site layout access to the site and easy moment of vehicles in site. Site Layout: A badly planed and untidy  construction site can lead to many accidents of construction site, which may arise from : (i) Fall of materials, (ii) Collision between the workers, (iii) plant or equipment. To avoid the above causes of accidents, a good layout of the side is a must while preparing the side layout atmost care should be taken to avoid overcrowding the site also enough space should be provided for the moment of man material and construction equipment with in the site. Easy Access: The construction sites should have easy and safe access. In this respect, the following parameters should be taken into consideration:   Everyone should be able to get into the work site safely.  Edges of scaffolding/ platform from where ...